Wood Products A lot of my time is spent making products to fill orders from Etsy and Amazon marketplaces. I have a nice line of wood products including soap rests and flag cases that sell very well on Etsy and the ocassional craft show. --More
Furniture Repair I'm so glad to see more people caring for their old, heirloom furniture. Often pieces have sentimental value and need a little TLC to return them to functional, valuable treasures. Furniture repair can be very cost effective compared to what you find in retail stores today.
Custom Furniture and Cabinets I also get to design, build and install custom furniture and cabinets to meet the exact needs of homeowners. I especially enjoy building a piece to match existing cabinets, like in the kitchen. Bookcases are always a popular home improvement project. Some projects get very specialized and contain hidden doors and secret compartments!
Custom Products

I can provide prototypes and drawings or complete production runs and delivery. I use locally harvested hardwood lumber like maples, cherry, and oaks and A and B grade engineered panels (plywood). Responsibly harvested exotics can be used when needed. All scraps and cut-offs are reused or recycled.
Contact me to discuss your needs, wheather one or 1000, I'll do my best help fulfill your needs.
Random and Weird Woodworking Some of these projects really challenge my creativity. Many prove to be the most satisfying and rewarding ...
- Mount shed ELK ANTLERS -- A gentleman found a beautiful set of elk antlers while hiking out West. He wanted these somehow mounted on a wood base so he could hang them in his office. I, in essence, made a stylized wood skull with a mounting surface at the perfect angles so the antlers look natural.
- Finish stair newel post ... after 30 years -- A woman read a short story about me in the newspaper and called saying she and her husband built their home some 30 years ago but they didn't get the upstairs stair rail and newel post just right; they simply didn't meet and attach to one another properly. After much beard stroking and a few sketches, I can up with a way to turn a newel cap on my wood lath that was large enough to allow the stair rail to be scribed into it and still look proportionally correct. I felt pretty good when I learned her husband was a retired physicist!
- Hidden door in a bookcase -- A couple asked if I could build a wall to separate the "man cave" from the rest of the family room in the lower level of their home. (He enjoys cigars.) A simple stud wall turned into a fine floor-to-ceiling bookcase with one section of the case functioning as a hidden door. Simply *9&^5687v78^$#@)(c& and the door opens!
- French doors allow Mother to rest -- A friend and fellow church member's mother need intensive medical treatment and a long recovery. They decided a little-used front room would be most convenient for the mother except a large entryway offered little privacy. The solution was a set of custom-made French doors made in a prairie-style to match the rest of the house. A set of nice curtains were hung on the inside for added privacy. Mother made a full recovery and the doors are a welcomed addition to the home.
- Antique Wood Canvas Canoes -- I've had the distinct pleasure of restoring many old wooden canoes. Most of these boats were built around 100 years ago. The oldest boat I restored was built in 1912! These boats by themselves are not terribly significant or highly valuable. Every canoe I've restored is a treasured member of the family. "My grand uncle bought this canoe new, in 1923. Had it shipped from Maine. It was a wedding gift to father and mother. They spent their honeymoon in this boat on the Wabash River. ..." Then I'm shown a copy of an old faded, photograph showing a beaming couple sitting on a log next to a river with this canoe in the background. Every canoe I restore has a story like this!