Hoosier Woodworks Store
I am a professional woodworker, specializing in designing items just for you to solve your problems and help make your life better. I'm located at 118 E Ridgeview Dr., Bloomington, Indiana.
You can reach me at 812-325-9823 or roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
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Have a problem you can't figure out? Confused by watching too much YouTube? Just want a straight answer? Would you like to just "Ask an Expert"?
There are great advantages to attending a formal class in a well-equipped shop with several like-minded people. I highly recommend the experience, but sometimes they aren't what is needed.
Have you ever ...
- taken a class only to realize it didn't cover what you want to learn?
- been in a class hopelessly large-you never get to talk?
- wondered if you need a 5-day class, 100 miles away that costs $875?
Advantages of One-on-One Class
You will ask me questions you'd never ask in a room full of other students (human nature?). So, ask me questions! I'll take the time to answer even your most basic ones. I'll structure the class to meet your needs, teaching anything from basic to more advanced techniques.
You can schedule a one- or two-hour class during normal business hours or on Saturday, either in the morning or early afternoon. YOU CHOOSE THE TOPIC! It's YOUR class. If you have a specific project in mind, you are welcome to bring your materials and I'll help you with the construction (you get to do the work). Send me an email with your thoughts.
Cost is $45 per 60-minute. Choose the class length to meet your needs. You don't need to use all your time at one time.