Woodworking Classes
Interest in woodworking is once again gaining. We see more programs on TV and I'm sure YouTube has had a positive influence. Bloomington is so fortunate to have a large, working workshop available to host classes at Blue Heron Woodworking located on West 11th Street in the old Bender Lumber building. I've posted the classes I am teaching at Blue Heron Woodworking but check their website for a complete listing.
I'd love to hear your questions or comments. Please email me at roger@hoosierwoodworks.com or call me at 812-325-9823.

2019 Class Schedule
These classes are held at Blue Heron Woodworking, 611 W 11th St #3, Bloomington, IN, in the old Bender Lumber building. To sign up for any of these class, please contact Michael at Blue Heron Woodworking.Woodworking Basics
You've watched the TV shows, you've seen YouTube videos. You want to do it but aren't quite sure how to get started. This one-day workshop will discuss the basic tools, techniques and planning every aspiring woodworker needs. We will discuss which tools to buy and which tools you can live without ( and that will save you money! ). You will learn some of the safety considerations of different tools, then we'll jump into the basic hand-tool use by building a simple project. Bring safety glasses, notebook, an idea for a project and questions.Class Offered: Saturday, Jan. 19 (This class is also offered March 23 and May 18.)
Class Time: 10 AM - 1 PM
Class Size: 4
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses
Prerequisites: None
Cost of Class: $60
Using Stationary Power Tools
Discover the power, speed, ease, and accuracy of stationary woodworking power tools. This workshop will introduce you to the proper, safe use of the miter saw, band saw, table saw, planer, jointer and drill press with emphasis on safety and proper technique as well as routine machine setup and maintenance. Students will have an opportunity to try these tools and hone their skills. Bring safety glasses and hearing protection.Class Offered: Saturday, Jan. 19
Class Time: 2 - 5 PM
Class Size: 6
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses, hearing protection
Prerequisites: None
Cost of Class: $60
Woodworking Basics: A Simple Tool Tote
Practice your newfound woodworking skills during this three-hour class by making a simple pine tool tote. Take this useful workshop item home with you and keep all your tools in one place, ready to go for the next project. This is a good class if you have some woodworking experience and would like to gain more using different tools and techniques. This is also a good class if you are the adventurous type and not afraid to jump right in....or you're desperate for more shelf space! Bring safety glasses and hearing protection.Class Offered: Saturday, February 23
Class Time: 10 AM - 1 PM
Class Size: 4
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses and hearing protection
Prerequisites: None
Cost of Class: $60
Materials Cost: $15 payable to instructor
Milling Your Own Lumber
You will save a ton of money buying rough-cut lumber and milling it yourself. You will discover the freedom of woodworking when you are not chained to off-the-shelf, pre-milled lumber. Not only can you use wood species that are not available anywhere else, you can start using ‘found’ or salvaged lumber by milling away the ugly to reveal the surprisingly beautiful. Learn the basics of flattening a board on a jointer, dimensioning the board to the desired thickness using a stationary planer and returning to the jointer to straight-line one edge. Don’t have a shop full of heavy power tools? No worries, we’ll show alternative techniques using hand and portable power tools. Safety and good technique will be emphasized. Bring safety glasses, hearing protection and a board to practice (optional).Class Offered: Saturday, February 23
Class Time: 2 PM - 5 PM
Class Size: 6
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses and hearing protection
Prerequisites: None
Cost of Class: $60
Materials Cost: None
Woodworking Basics
You've watched the TV shows, you've seen YouTube videos. You want to do it but aren't quite sure how to get started. This one-day workshop will discuss the basic tools, techniques and planning every aspiring woodworker needs. We will discuss which tools to buy and which tools you can live without ( and that will save you money! ). You will learn some of the safety considerations of different tools, then we'll jump into the basic hand-tool use by building a simple project. Bring safety glasses, notebook, an idea for a project and questions.Class Offered: Saturday, March 23
Class Time: 10 AM - 1 PM
Class Size: 4
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses
Prerequisites: None
Cost of Class: $60
Hand Planes: Use, Tuning, and Restoration
Either a treasured tool used every day or a dust-covered, rusty relic of a by-gone era flung in frustration to the darkest recesses of the workshop: Craftsmen either love or hate hand planes. Learn the secrets of this ancient tool and unlock its potential in this 3-hour class. You will learn how to sharpen, adjust and use a hand plane to produce gossamer shavings, the envy of all. You’ll also learn the steps to take to restore that garage sale bargain to a treasured woodworking tool. Bring safety glasses and an old tool if you like.Class Offered: Saturday, March 23
Class Time: 2 PM - 5 PM
Class Size: 6
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses
Prerequisites: None
Cost of Class: $60
Materials Cost: None
Woodworking Basics: A Simple Bookcase
In this three-hour class, you will use low-cost lumber to construct a simple, basic bookcase that you can take home. This is a good class if you have a little bit of woodworking experience but would like to gain more using different tools and techniques...or you're desperate for more shelf space! Bring safety glasses and hearing protection.Class Offered: Saturday, April 27
Class Time: 10 AM - 1 PM
Class Size: 4
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses, hearing protection
Prerequisites: Some woodworking experience
Cost of Class: $60
Materials Cost: $20 payable to instructor
Quick and Simple Cabinet Making
Boxes, or cabinets, are the cornerstone element in most of our furniture and household storage-- kitchen cabinets, bookcases, end tables, entertainment centers, etc. We will discuss the basic construction techniques used in a number of different types of boxes...errr, cabinets and demonstrate some simple and inexpensive methods you can use to build them. Bring safety glasses, hearing protection, a notebook, and questions.Class Offered: Saturday, April 27
Class Time: 2 PM - 5 PM
Class Size: 4
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses, hearing protection
Prerequisites: Some woodworking experience
Cost of Class: $60
Materials Cost: None
Woodworking Basics
You've watched the TV shows, you've seen YouTube videos. You want to do it but aren't quite sure how to get started. This one-day workshop will discuss the basic tools, techniques and planning every aspiring woodworker needs. We will discuss which tools to buy and which tools you can live without ( and that will save you money! ). You will learn some of the safety considerations of different tools, then we'll jump into the basic hand-tool use by building a simple project. Bring safety glasses, notebook, an idea for a project and questions.Class Offered: Saturday, May 18
Class Time: 10 AM - 1 PM
Class Size: 4
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses
Prerequisites: None
Cost of Class: $60
Making and Installing Trim and Molding
Simple little pieces of wood can make a dramatic impact on everything from a small jewelry box to every room of your house. In this class, we will learn about the different types of trim, furniture and architectural, how to make and install them. We’ll make molding with a router and table saw, cut inside and outside corners and install them with a pneumatic nail gun. Then we’ll go big with baseboard, chair rail, window and door casing, and top it off with crown molding. Having trouble coping? This class can help! Bring safety glasses, hearing protection, a notebook and any problems you’re struggling with.Class Offered: Saturday, May 18
Class Time: 2 PM - 5 PM
Class Size: 6
Instructor: Roger Kugler, 812-325-9823, roger@hoosierwoodworks.com
Required Equipment: Safety glasses, hearing protection
Prerequisites: None
Cost of Class: $60
Materials Cost: None